First Year

Second Year

  • Fruit of the Spirit

  • Communications

  • Philippians

  • Faith 101 & 102 (Foundations of Faith)

  • Gospel of John

  • Giving and Receiving

  • Righteousness

  • Holy Spirit (Person of the Spirit)

  • Praise Life

  • Christ the Healer

  • Bible Doctrines

  • Faith 104 (Scriptural Prayer)

  • Old Testament (Men of Faith)

  • Grace

  • Blood Covenant

  • Ministry Lab I & II

  • Faith 202 (Spirit, Soul, and Body)

  • Colossians

  • Humility

  • Ministerial Ethics

  • Ministry of Helps

  • Galations

  • Holy Spirit (Gifts of the Spirit)

  • Ministry Practicum I & II

  • Submission and Authority

**We reserve the right to change course selections at our discretion.**